Canaan Restaurant
食不厌精,脍不厌细。Canaan Restaurant采用上加利利地区的时令食材,用心为您呈现舌尖艺术,踏上美食之旅。您可品尝精品葡萄酒、本地奶酪、各种时令水果和蔬菜,以及特色的无麸质全麦面包……
营业时间:晚上07:00 - 晚上10:30
Wine Bar - 26.8
Nestled in the tranquil garden of our hotel, the distinguished 26.8 wine bar offers a gastronomic journey inspired by the Galilee mountains. The bar's name, 26.8, represents the furthest distance its ingredients travel. Relish a menu emphasizing plant-based ingredients, fresh fish, and extensive vegan options. Experience an exceptional array of wines, all sourced from Israeli vineyards, specifically highlighting those from the Upper Galilee and Golan areas.
Canaan Lobby
Step into our hotel lobby and discover cosy seating encircling a charming fireplace. Enjoy a selection of light meals, taboon-baked specialities, crafted cocktails, and natural juices enriched with superfoods. The lobby welcomes you from 11:00 am to 11:00 pm, offering a pleasant and inviting atmosphere for relaxation and dining.

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